
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Kelly Rowland's 'Kisses down low' eye catching makeup!

Am sure a lot of you might have seen Kelly Rowland's colorful and fun new music video 'kisses down low'. Though a very lovely song, what really caught my eyes was her various hairstyles and amazing makeup. Check out a few shots below and let me know what you think.

Stunning hey! so, over the weeks, YouTube has be going bunkazzz with all sorts of video tutorial on her makeup. Some good and some errrrrrrrmmmmm......see below a few images of the original and photocopies. Lol!

personally, i think Kelly's got one of the most structured eye brows in the world - she should be crowned 'miss eye brows' if you ask me, Lol! She just makes them so good, take a look at the chick below, she tried immitating one of kelly's look but wayyyyyyyyy too much now c'mon. 

Your thoughts.........and oh, if you're really good with make-up, i'll love for you to re-enact any of the looks and send in or tweet at me so we can put it up. Can't wait! 

follow and share pictures with me on twitter @soladunn



  1. The last pix got me scared like who the H*ll is she??Don't like any of the makeups but I can still manage the first pic of the photocopied makeup Btw I love kelly R

  2. Dose eyes... Smokey hot!!! D photocopies are crappy excep d first one which isn't really close but 'e let eyes look'

  3. As in like seriously. She looks like Grace Jones . So scarry
